January 6, 2006.
Just after the winter holidays, Ms. Syrine Videl walked into that college, something had changed it s fortunes since then. Since she joined as many as 11 of the best lecturers had left St.Ives College. Just one remained from the old batch. But it was not until June that year, that Principal Laura Sebastian realized the connection.
Nestled in the hills of Nainital, St.Ives was not a very famous college, but over the years it had earned a good reputation, a healthy mix of international students testified it’s success at the international level. The college came on the map when one of its students went on to become a TV anchor with a respectable news channel CNN. Since then many success stories had emerged. But all that was about to change.
March 24,2006.
As time passed by, most professors couldn’t fathom what to do with Syrine. She proved to be academically brilliant. Topping nearly everything. Yet her name was always associated with the worst pranks in the history of the college. She never ever got caught. It was a strange dilemma for the principal. After all she couldn’t rusticate someone just on suspicion. There was no evidence. For the few people who knew Syrine, they would always say..she is a very nice and simple girl. While some thought she was up to something - behind that calm and quite exterior there was a little devil hidden in her.!
As the clouds drifted into the classroom, there was a light drizzle outside, and a chilly wind blew across the floor of the room. The clouds outside were getting darker, and the tube light in the room brighter. Syrine sat calmly composed with her eyes lowered into a book. She was a striking beauty - It was easy to get lost between her eyes and lips. Always dressed in angelic white dresses with light shades of pink that blended into her skin ever so smoothly. You couldn’t tell the difference. Long wavy hair, a sharp nose, eyes brows drooping and eyes like an innocent doe. The honey brown mole accentuated her lower lip.
April 6, 2006.
A few days later, a strange incident happened at the college. The girl’s hostel heard many shrieks, saw blood stains on some walls, and some wooden cupboards were scratched with nails, as if to say something. Some said they saw a ghost, some say they felt something creeping up their body while they slept, while some dismissed it off as a prank. Then one day one of the girls disappeared. A frantic search resulted nothing. Police were doing the best they could. The girls family sent out messages on TV. But nothing yielded. She was gone.
This sent shockwaves across the parents and teachers alike. There were some who immediately took their wards off campus, some joined another school and some who remained, remained there because they couldn’t go anywhere else. Fear, had gripped the college.
Principal Sebastian was worried. She did not know what effect these events would have on the way college functioned. Teachers were leaving, students disappearing and horror stories from the hostel would all add up to a fear factor with the parents. This had to stop. But how? She didn’t know even where to begin.
May 9, 2006
It was a loud scream at 2.30AM in the girls hostel.
One by one the all the rooms switched their lights on. The girls came out in the corridor puzzled and terrified. Some teachers who lived near the campus rushed immediately. What they saw next, sent shivers down their spine. Two girls lay on the floor with their stomach ripped open and blood oozing out. Their eyes had been gouged and their face turned blue. The blood stains seemed to form a word or two on the floor.
Dangle Veils.
No one could understand. No one wanted to understand. They were all gripped with horror, fear flowing through every nerve in their body. Could it be a serial killer? Could it be an animal ? Could it be an accident? Or was this a prank gone bad ? There was no evidence of a break in, or a fight or any resistance. Nothing was broken, no sign of struggle..it almost seemed that it happened to them willingly or by someone they knew ! All sorts of stories did the rounds over the next few days. This latest episode had drawn the attention of the media. Cameramen and journalists covered the story. Detectives intensified their efforts.
June 5, 2006. 6PM.
A few days later, Principal Laura Sebastian got a call. It was from one of the last remaining professors of the original batch. Hariman Snata – the only foreigner in the faculty. He used to teach History at the Kapodistrian University in Athens. His research had brought him to India a few years back.
‘Madam Sebastian – I have been following the incidents of the last few months and have something to share with you.’ Hariman said in a deep baritone.
‘Yes professor –I am so worried about these ghastly incidents, any help will be appreciated’ the principal said with a sense of resignation.
‘I must see you right away Madam Principal’
‘Well, I am in my office till 7 PM’ the principal said and hung up.
The history professor walked in wearing a corduroy trouser and jacket, with a black polo t-shirt inside. His short crew cut hair had just begun to show a tinge of salt n pepper shade. A Broad forehead, a large frame which stood at 6 feet 2, and hands which were strong enough to bend iron. A light after shave fragrance drifted through the air. Probably Polo Black. In short, a classic misfit being a history professor, could have easily been in Hollywood.
They sat quietly by the sofa in the principal’s office sipping coffee.
‘It s the girl madam Principal.’ Hariman said.
‘Which girl ? What are you talking about?’
‘What ? And how would you know, what’s the evidence? I knew she was up to some prank but this is beyond her league. What with those gruesome murders, the sign..nope I don’t think she did it. Besides she is one of our best students’ defended Laura.
‘what I am about to tell you madam principal, might sound rather weird .But I have studied the case history closely and I am certain my observation is correct.’ Hariman said looking coldly into her eyes.
‘She is the devil incarnate. Don’t you see it in her name?’
“Syrine Videl” – that’s a regular catholic name. What’s wrong with that? You have a funny name too isn’t it? Laura said getting a little irritated now.
“No madam- you have no clue what you are dealing with here” Hariman’s eyes glistened as a distant light flashed into his eyes.
He scribbled something on a piece of paper and when Laura read it, she felt a jolt of lightening go through her body.
‘Syrine is an anagram for Erinys –
which means the “angry spirit” in Greek mythology. They appear in different places at different times, nobody knows where they come from and where they go. Oh and Videl is Devil really.’
Erinys Devil.
Laura Sebastian’s eyes spoke a 1000 words but her voice failed even one. She was shivering uncontrollably. The room was spinning in front of her eyes.
“then ww-what did the sign on the wall mean?”
“Dangle veils?” she stammered as tears rolled from her eyes.
'Ha ,ha that was clever of her' Hariman smirked.
It meant Devils Angel.’ Hariman said taking out a pocket sickle.
‘If if she’s is the devil’s angel, who is the devil?
Principal Laura Sebastian never got to know the truth before she died. Her skull was pierced open and eyes were gouged. As if someone had stuck a sickle on the top of her head and pulled it down fiercely.
But professor Hariman Natas still gave her the answer at the stroke of midnight.
“Ahriman Satan” he said on 06/06/06.

Gyanban thoughts –
1.Hariman Natas was an anagram for Ahriman Satan. Other anagrams were Syrine Videl - Erinys Devil &
Dangle Veils - Devils Angel.
Ahriman means the chief spirit of darkness and evil in Zoroastrianism. His essential nature is expressed in his principal epithet-Druj, "the Lie." The Lie expresses itself as greed, wrath, and envy. To aid him in attacking the light, the good creation of Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, Ahriman created a horde of demons embodying envy and similar qualities. Despite the chaos and suffering effected in the world by his onslaught, believers expect Ahriman to be defeated in the end of time by Ahura Mazda. Confined to their own realm, his demons will devour each other, and his own existence will be quenched.
2.There were 11 apostles of Jesus,the 12th betrayed him - Judas.An oblique reference is made in the story in the forms of 11 professors leaving.
3.The date June 6,2006, where the story ends was known to be the devils date considering 666 is the devils number.
4.Oh by the way this is my 99th post.Coincidence?
ReplyDeleteGYanban..are you on the way to emerge as our very own Indian Dan Brown?
Congratulations to a fantastic 99th post... Am awed and inspired to pen stories after researching such complex subjects...Way to go!!
99th :)and worth all the praise. I am impressed. This was a real treat to read. The thing I like most about your writing is the notes at the end. It helps those who miss out on some things due to lack of info. I liked the end too. Fantastic and a great change from all the mushy stories I have been reading in blogs. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAhem! quite a distinct flavour! and the footnote was engrossing. looking forward to read more such stuff from you.
ReplyDeleteWow you have all the talent to write a spine chilling novel. Great work!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Milana. Welcome to Scrambled Egg.
ReplyDeleteWell thank you and hopefully I can come up with more interesting posts in the future.
ReplyDeleteComing from a well established writer ,I am truly honored.Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYes, am pretty tired of candy floss stuff as well. !
He he you really know how to make someone's day ! I am flattered. But I have no such presumptions about my writing abilities. Thanks for your generous comments and compliments.
ReplyDeletesexy n scary...
ReplyDeleteum happy that i live in a boys hostel.. :P
Wow that was interesting... very gripping story...
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if I've mentioned it before (most likely I have) that I simply loved the thought that went in naming your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou are gifted writer Gyanban....Simply spell binding narration. I stayed hooked to the last.
Loved the thriller feel and the suspense twist at the end :D
Keep up the good work.
Looking forward to your 100th post.
Nice one Gyan!
ReplyDeleteAs Vibuthi said believe me even Dan Brown flashed in my mind as i was reading. You got a good grip over words and narration.!
Looking forward to your century post.
Rajan - thank you for appreciating .Genuine compliments are always a treasure.
ReplyDeleteChatterbox - yes you have, thanked you then - thank you again.
ReplyDeleteYou are most kind. Am glad to know you liked the story.
ReplyDeletei just love your narration dude... awesome stuff...
Latest Blog post: Desperation
Thanks for gracing my blog O great Balalectual...thanks for your amazing mind blowing comments..i hope it did not take too much of your precious time to write so many words.? Imagine, how many vada's you could have manufactured ? And how it would have manufactured consent among my readers?Imagine the statistics behind it man -60% of your time could have been better apportioned to a media rant,rather than commenting on a poor joe blog with some oh-so-naive story ? You probably dismiss this off as suhel sethesq ?
ReplyDeleteThanks Tavish - seeing you here after some time - glad you liked it.
ReplyDeleteWow, felt like reading some mystery mini novel actually. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it, the way you maintained the suspense till the end. Liked the thoughts part in the end, quite creative!
ReplyDeleteThanks Heena - am glad you connected.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! That's amazing mystery! I was reading this while having lunch!! (Oops, I sometimes do that...keep the laptop on the dining table! :p)And when I finished reading, I realized, the food had gone cold!
ReplyDeleteVery gripping and imaginative tale! :)
You write gripping stories, a fact I'm sure you already know. But more importantly, I like that you put a lot of thought as well as research into it, which in itself is a tremendous testimony to your sincerity. Do keep writing. It is a treat indeed to read you :)
ReplyDeletePS: About your demand for a thriller from me, PLZ say you're kidding. I'm no storyteller! I'll stick to my bullshit for the sanity of all :P
Well thank you Nikita. You re being generous and modest. I do think you write well,and some fiction should be a good read.
ReplyDeleteAmazing tale!! Really enjoy reading your stories. Do write more!
ReplyDeleteOMG!! I am so totally awe stuck. It was superb. I am so following you and reading other posts.
ReplyDeleteThanks Aparna - will try to come up with some more stories ...Syrine permitting..
ReplyDeleteDont get stuck Harini...! My blog is not chutki mein chipkaye fevikwick.:-))
ReplyDeletethanks for the generous appreciation.
really cool...I checked this after your comment on my Blog....
ReplyDeleteLoved the thrill of it...you write really well :)
well you are most kind. merci.and welcome to scrambled egg. !
ReplyDeleteC'est Tresbien! Mon Ami.
ReplyDeleteWell am glad you liked it. thanks.
ReplyDeleteFinally read it. Awesome. Loved the thriller. I had expected the girl but not the history prof. Loved the anagrams!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading Avada and am glad you could guess Syrine's role in the scheme of things.